Tales of Rebirth

Two Entwined Races, One Story of Rebirth

In the kingdom of Calegia, the cerebral Huma and athletic Gajuma have long enjoyed a peaceful and prosperous coexistence.

But when the last in a long line of Gajuma kings dies, strange things begin happening, and racial animosity begins to deepen.

Young Huma Veigue abruptly acquires the "Force of Ice" and, unable to control it, encases his childhood friend Claire in a block of ice.

No sooner is she rescued by two travelers looking to sneak into the Kingdom, Eugene and Mao, than she is kidnapped by imperial troops. United in their desire to save Claire, Eugene and Mao join Veigue in pursuing the imperial troops to the capital.

Eventually they will discover the deep-rooted racism at the heart of their kingdom, and fight to create a world without conflict.


Veigue Lungberg

Veigue Lungberg

Though Veigue is curt when he bothers to speak at all, he cares so strongly for his childhood friend Claire that at times it blinds him to everything else around him. His inability to ignore those in need reveals a just and passionate heart.

Claire Bennett

Claire Bennett

After Veigue's parents died, he was taken in by Claire's family, and the two were raised as siblings. Claire has an unshakable belief that all should be treated with kindness, and is able to change a lot of minds with her vocal objections to racial discrimination.



The bearer of the Force of Fire, Mao lost his memories in the Dusk of Ladras, but has Eugene looking after him. He has a gift for putting his friends at ease with his improvised songs. Despite his youthful appearance, he commands powerful magic artes. He has a habit of overdoing things so as not to be treated like a child.

Eugene Gallardo

Eugene Gallardo

Eugene is the former commander of the King's Shield, and the bearer of the Force of Steel. After the Dusk of Ladras, he was suspected of murdering Doctor Barnes and expelled from the military, and he's now journeying with Mao to find out what really happened. His inner strength and calm set a good example for Veigue's party.

Annie Barrs

Annie Barrs

Annie possesses the Force of Rain. Her father was a famous doctor, and she aspires to be one too. As Eugene was the primary suspect in her father's murder, Annie hates him and, by extension, all Gajuma. But during her journey with Vague's party, she reconsiders her stance on discrimination.

Tytree Crowe

Tytree Crowe

Tytree is a factory worker who possesses the Force of Trees, and idolizes his older sister Selena. In stark contrast to Veigue, he's cheerful and garrulous. He believes strongly in basic fairness and dreams of a world without discrimination.

Hilda Rhambling

Hilda Rhambling

The bearer of the Force of Lightning, Hilda was born to a Huma father and Gajuma mother. Due to the discrimination she suffered in her youth, she's initially ashamed of her heritage. But when she comes to understand how much her parents loved her, she begins to regard her origins with pride.

Agarte Lindblum

Agarte Lindblum

A beautiful Gajuman princess who comports herself with grace and refinement. After her father's sudden death, she ascends the throne of Calegia to rule over the Gajuma and Huma.

Milhaust Selkirk

Milhaust Selkirk

A talented general, Milhaust took command of Calegia's army at a young age. He is in love with Agarte, but due to their differences in station and his intense loyalty to her, he keeps his feelings in check-with tragic results.



A pet kept by Claire, of the species formally known as "Norstalia Kenagalis." Zapie is a small animal with long, soft fur and a friendly temperament. He is quite fond of Veigue as well, and ultimately joins his journey. He can often be found perched upon Veigue's shoulder.


Tales of Rebirth
Release Date
Dec. 16, 2004
Tales of Rebirth
Release Date
Mar. 19, 2008

Other Titles