Tales of Innocence/Tales of Innocence R

Old Agendas, Passed Down to A New World

When people with special powers and memories of past lives begin to emerge, they are feared by the masses and hunted within the capital city of Regnum. An organization known as the Church of Arka emerges to protect them, further destabilizing the world.

A Regnum boy named Ruca finds a girl named Illia fleeing from the Church of Arka, and when he tries to help her, the powers of the god Asura awaken within him. Illia explains that she too possesses powers and memories dating back to the era of Gods, and that she was Asura's lover Inanna in a former life. After learning why the Church of Arka is pursuing her, Ruca decides to join Illia's journey.

Along the way they meet Spada, Ange, and other new allies, and discover hidden truths about the origin and history of their world.


Ruca Milda

Ruca Milda

Ruca comes from a successful merchant family in the capital city. Though he admires the courageous Asura who appears in his dreams, he is himself very timid. The girl he likes, Iria, often teases him about this, claiming his fearfulness will be his undoing.

Iria Animi

Iria Animi

A mayor's daughter from an eastern village, Iria meets Ruca on her travels. She's unrefined, short-tempered, and rude, but always lives life true to her own heart.

Spada Belforma

Spada Belforma

The seventh son of a noble house, Spada's family is known throughout the capital. The party first encounters him at a research lab devoted to studying the reborn. Spada has a foul mouth, but a virtuous heart.

Ange Serena

Ange Serena

Due to her ability to heal others, Ange is treated as a saint within the holy city. During their travels, her role as a trustworthy older sister helps keep the party together.

Ricardo Soldato

Ricardo Soldato

Ricardo is a hitman who always fulfills his contracts. He initially encounters the party as an enemy attempting to capture Ange, but ends up selling his services to Ange herself, and joining the party as her bodyguard.

Hermana Larmo

Hermana Larmo

Ever since her parents were killed by bandits, Hermana has made her living as a thief in Regnum. She always looks after the rest of the party, and is beloved by them because of it.

QQ Selezneva

QQ Selezneva

QQ claims to be an archaeologist from an alien land, visiting Ruca's world via the Triverse Gate. She seems particularly interested in the technology of their world. Since she's not fluent in the local language, she uses broken speech to communicate with the party.
(Introduced in Tales of Innocence R.)

Kongwai Tao

Kongwai Tao

Like QQ, Kongwai crossed into Ruca's world via the Triverse Gate. After initially saving Ruca's party at a rift between worlds, he then decides to join the party for the purpose of "saving two souls."
(Introduced in Tales of Innocence R.)



A monkey-like creature with large ears and green hair, Coda is constantly thinking about food. But he also looks out for his master (?) Illia and her companions.


Tales of Innocense
Release Date
Dec. 06, 2007
Nintendo DS
Tales of Innocense R
Release Date
Jan. 26, 2012

Other Titles