Tales of the Rays

We Resolved to Make Truth of That Lie

The world of Tir Na Nog has long prospered from the unlimited energy provided by the Chiral particles found in light. However, a mirrage weapon called the "Kaleidoscope"-which turns its targets to dust by destroying the anima that serves as the foundation of matter and life-went haywire, leaving the world at the brink of collapse.

One of the weapon's developers, disgusted by what they had created, successfully launched the Aegis Project to save the world.

Peace returned, until the day a meteor storm obliterated the homeland of protagonists Ix and Mileena. They traveled to the capital, where Prime Minister Gefion explained that the world was in grave danger, and that as mirrage-wielding "mirrists," only they can help. Despite his reservations, Ix agrees to join Mileena on a journey to repair the Aegis that protects their world. A great many interesting encounters await the pair as they set about exoflecting various worlds to find the hero "nexuses" within them.


Ix Nieves

Ix Nieves

Ix lost both of his parents at age 5, and ended up being raised by his fellow islanders. The experience made him self-reliant, but with a strong aversion to burdening others. As a result, he's too quick to put on a brave face, and refuses help that he shouldn't.
Ix comes from a long line of mirrists. But since it was research into mirrages that cost his parents their lives, he sees their power as inviting calamity, and has insisted on living a life free or mirrages and mirristry. It's typical of Ix's negative outlook, where he always imagines the worst-case scenario and reacts accordingly.

Mileena Weiss

Mileena Weiss

"Like her childhood friend Ix, Mileena was born into a family or mirrists. She's been studying their craft since early childhood, and is now extremely talented. She fancies herself an elder sister to Ix, and possesses a motherly disposition that compels her to meddle in the lives of others. She is extremely compassionate and quick to empathize.
She strives to be as optimistic as she can be, in part to compensate for Ix's pessimism. But her efforts to project the gravitas of an adult have little effect on Ix."

Marcus Grimm

Marcus Grimm

Marcus is a talented warrior who seems determined to kill Ix's party. The unique weapon he wields is a combination of sword and gun, allowing him to fight effectively both from a distance and at melee range. His prowess suggests a great deal of combat experience.



Sellund's mysterious Prime Minister Gefion always wears a hood and mask. In order to save Tir Na Nog from impending disaster, she is racing to repair the Mirrage Aegis. She faces resistance from a portion of Sellund's populace, who suspect she's a spy from the enemy nation of Bifrost.

Gareth Outrigger

Gareth Outrigger

Gareth is the most talented mechanic in all of Sellund, and has been charged with the operations and maintenance of the Heimdallr; the nation's fastest airship. He provides professional support to Ix and Mileena on their adventures, as well as the occasional piece of thoughtful advice.



A mirrite exoflected by Mileena, Karia supports Ix's party's journey with her unique knowledge and insight. Unlike other exoflections, which are copied from other worlds, mirrites are exoflected from one's own psyche, and therefore resemble their summoner somewhat in terms of appearance and personality. Therefore Karia feels a strong loyalty not just to her master, Mileena, but Ix as well.



Sellund's King Demetrius was born frail, and entrusts most of his responsibilities to his prime minister, Gefion. While Gefion is away from the palace on official duties, he provides guidance to Ix and Mileena. He knows a great deal about mirristry and mirrage weaponries, but is poor at explaining it to others.


Tales of the Rays
Release Date
End of Service

Other Titles