Tales of the Rays

We Would Live With the Truth, Even if It Was All a Lie

Demitrius, who ruled Asgard as its emperor, seeks to return to Nibelung. In order to do so, he sacrifices Mercuria's mirrite, Morian, to revive Bifrost. Morian, who was annihilated in order to generate a large quantity of chiral particles, becomes a death mirrite and takes over Mercuria's body to seek revenge. However, Morian is slain and Mercuria is freed by Ix's party during their adventures in Bifrost.

In the process, Kocis learns about the Eye of Balor housed in his left eye. Its power once destroyed Nibelung, and should never have been created. In order to learn more about the nature of this power, Kocis decides to leave Ix's party and confront the Bifrost forces.

What can be done to save the world from the empire's plans? When Ix and Kocis's intentions intersect, the battle between Ix's party and the empire will enter its final stage.


Ix Nieves

Ix Nieves

The protagonist of this chapter, Ix is a creation mirrist who fights to stave off the world's destruction. At first, he was overly cautious and seen as indecisive, but he has grown into a strong leader who has unified numerous nexuses. He learns from the first Ix, who he met in the crucible of anima, that the mirrite he created possesses the world-destroying Eye of Balor. He makes it clear to Kocis that he is a beloved member of his family and nothing could change that, but Kocis still chooses to part ways with him.

Mileena Weiss

Mileena Weiss

An imagination mirrist who accompanies and supports Ix on his travels, Mileena is typically graceful and quiet, but can show a different side of herself around Ix. At times, Mileena has been led astray by memories of Gefion, her creator, who once destroyed the world. But she is now confident that she is more than a copy of Gefion, and can make decisions independent of her. However, in order to stop the world from being destroyed again, she must confront her creator once more.



Karia is a mirrite created by Mileena. It's said that mirrites reflect an aspect of their master's soul, and Karia is possessed of an unusual sweetness and naivity. Karia strongly disagrees with Kocis's decision to leave the party, but refuses to condemn him for it, patiently awaiting his return.

Marcus Grimm

Marcus Grimm

Marcus is the mirrite of Phillip, who leads the reborn Salvation Front. He is valued for his efforts in managing the Salvation's Front's idiosyncratic team of nexuses, but his duties bring him no end of trouble. He has known Nevan for a long time, and regards her highly. He worries over the frail and sickly Phillip, and has taken it upon himself to handle his care.



Kocis is a mirrite created by Ix, who possesses the power of the Eye of Balor beneath his eyepatch. Told that its power could destroy the world, Kocis leaves Ix's party behind to find out more about it, and ends up joining with Nazar's group. His kind heart and deep concern for Ix often places Kocis at odds with his master, who prefers to bear his burdens alone.



Phillip is a fusion mirrist and childhood friend to Ix and Mileena. In Sellund he holds the title of "biqe," signifying that he is the kingdom's strongest mirrist. He joined Gefion in exoflecting the world that used the Kaleidoscope, summoning past versions of Ix and Mileena in the process. Initially he was focused on atoning for a past incident, but now he wields his powers alongside Ix's party in order to save the world.



Restored to life from nothingness by Junior's power, Nazar's heart core inhabits the first Ix's body. He fights against the Asgard Empire in order to keep Dana's prophecy from being realized. As in his last life, he inspires loyalty from his retainers and has a temperament befitting a crown prince, but is stern towards his younger sister, Mercuria. Currently serving as the commander of Bifrost's order of knights, Nazar seeks to ally with Ix's party in order to put a stop to Demitrius's ambitions.



Nazar's sister Mercuria was the empress of the former Bifrost Empire. After Bifrost's destruction, she was raised by Demitrius, but now opposes him due to the twisted way in which he realized her goal of reviving Bifrost. Once arrogant and selfish, her intreactions with nexuses and her Bifrost retainers have made her realize the value of life. Despite her young age, she seeks to fulfill her imperial duties by working with Nazar and his newly formed order of knights to stop the world's destruction.

Karia N.

Karia N.

Karia Nevan was formerly a mirrite of Gefion, but their bond is now severed. She now cooperates with Ix's party in order to save her master. Her demeanor is typically cool and collected, but she has a passion for food that rivals even that of the smaller Karia. She holds conflicted feelings towards the people of Bifrost; though she has a cooperative relationship with them, she holds them responsible for the first Ix's death.



Baldo served the Bifrost empire in his previous life as a retainer to Nazar, and serves it now as a member of its order of knights. He ceased to exist when Ix escaped from the mirrage prison, but afterwards Junior resurrected him by infusing anima into an artificial heart core. Though typically well-mannered, he has a weakness for women that gets him into trouble. He is Nazar's foster sibling, and at times plays the big brother towards him.


Tales of the Rays
Release Date
End of Service

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