Tales of the Rays

Tales of the Rays

Living with Our Memories and the Truth

The appearance of Illusionares, magical beasts which incapacitate those they prey on, leads to the fall of the Asgard Federation, and the potential collapse of the world itself.
Stepping up to prevent this destruction, Kodama, along with King Haze, Liwanna, Seirios, Iris, and Bifrost Empire soldier Baldo's Fantom, Baldo Mistleton, sets off on an adventure to the past. There, they would gather the ""memories of old friends"".
This is a tale of recollections.
Your very own tale, proving that even when all is lost, the memories etched into our hearts are sure to endure.


Kodama Atwood

Kodama Atwood

A member of the Reaper Knights, an anti-Illusionare task force in the Kingdom of Neo-Idea. Saved by King Haze as a child, he holds a great deal of respect for her, and has since devoted himself to repaying her kindness. His displaced status, as well as his lack of a hometown and past memories, make him the target of considerable discrimination. In spite of it all, he presses on with his head held high and grows into a distinguished young man. Quick-witted, he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty if he feels the ends justify the means—anything to help out his friends or those in trouble.
Though he has a devious side, he's a charismatic guy that nobody can bring themselves to dislike.

Haze Cesario Ideafeldt

Haze Cesario Ideafeldt

King to the Kingdom of Neo-Idea. She stopped aging when she obtained eternal life during her research into Illusionares , and has led her country for many a generation under the nickname of the Immortal King. She is beloved by her people for her magnanimity and her friendly demeanor, and she in return adores each of them as if they were her own children. A warrior as well as a researcher, she takes to the front lines to defend her people from the threat of the Illusionares.
She appears to lose herself in deep thought when it comes to the past, perhaps as a side effect of her great longevity.

Iris Lovefeather

Iris Lovefeather

A Reaper Knight in the Kingdom of Neo-Idea. In between missions, she can often be found singing her heart out to the townspeople, and her bright, caring personality has earned her throngs of fans even among her fellow knights. However, that beautiful voice of hers is actually produced artificially through special equipment. She lost her real voice due to the trauma of losing her beloved grandfather to Illusionares.
It was thanks to him that she was able to grow up to be so strong in the midst of a chaotic world, so she always makes time to visit his grave.

Liwanna Gimlay

Liwanna Gimlay

Margrave ruling over Asgard, Idea's twin planet, who is working to stave off the Illusionares' invasion of Idea. She lost her older sister during a massive assault from the Illusionares. Her own wounds from this event were so severe that most of her body parts were replaced with prosthetics. She has since worked as margrave, with the support of Agrad, her sister's fiancé. She has a rather timid, soft-spoken personality, but when it comes to her work as margrave or as a Reaper Knight, she is a bold and fierce fighter.

Seirios Caftro

Seirios Caftro

A Reaper Knight in the Kingdom of Neo-Idea. Thoughtful and mild-mannered, he has the ability to put those around him at ease, often acting as a mediator. Seirios is a lover of all things beautiful, and refuses to deal with anything that goes against his aesthetic sense, yet would never push his ideals onto others. He is both a mentor and a friend to Kodama, as the two get along well.
He lost his left foot to an Illusionare, which has now been replaced with a prosthetic armed with a gun barrel.

Baldo Mistleton

Baldo Mistleton

A swordsman with a secret power that aids him in resisting the Illusionares. He used to serve Warden, crown prince of the Bifrost Empire, until one day, his memories started to blur. Upon awakening, he found that hundreds of years had passed. Unable to forget his loyalty to his master, he lends his unique powers to Kodama and the others in their struggle to eliminate the Illusionares. While he typically carries himself as a refined gentleman, when he's around women, his considerate attitude always comes off a little too strong.

Agrad Aldebaran

Agrad Aldebaran

A knight whose family has served the house of Margrave Gimlay for numerous generations. He is strict in his training of Liwanna, yet also overprotective of her, perhaps out of regret for failing to save his fiancée and the previous margrave. He has complex feelings for Asgard, which he considers both his home and a cruel land that stole those he holds dear from him. Cheery yet calm, his skills in battle are undeniable, earning him a reliable reputation from his underlings.

Ernat Perusha

Ernat Perusha

A young girl who, in spite of her youthful appearance, is the commanding officer of the Thanatos Unit, an elite group within the Reaper Knights. She is both courteous and stern, making her at odds with the trouble-making Kodama, who is something of a thorn in her side. Her one thing in common with him is her great admiration for Haze, which has created a sense of rivalry between the two of them. She is determined to do anything for Haze, who once saved her life.


Tales of the Rays
Release Date
End of Service

Other Titles